#hacker #scriptkiddie #scab #fake #liar
I'm slowly becoming more and more acquainted with google+ and really learning how intimate and helpful the communities are. Pick an interest, you can find a group of people who are like minded and helpful. I'm a member of hacker groups, linux groups, and vape groups. All interests of mine, and generally with a certain margin of error, most people in these groups are moderately helpful and pretty darn cool. Yes there are those in the groups who post nothing but meme's and stupid crap, especially in the hacker groups where you'll get new people who say pointless garbage or ask stupid questions. I've never been afraid to call a moron a moron if they are acting the part, but over this past weekend I encountered a very unique "hacker" I'd like to discuss.

Now while I was browsing through these communities I stumbled upon a post that was neither script kiddie nor hacker, it was a script dumbass, let me explain. To start his post was, in summary "I'm only here to say Kali Linux is for scabs and you'll never be a real hacker." Um what? I haven't gone over Kali for this blog yet, but for those who don't know, Kali is one of the most powerful hacking tools out there. It's a centralized location for all your hacking tool needs. From WiFi cracking, to SQL injection, it offers most, if not all, hacking tools you'll need for the average every day hacker. Why these tools work is really where it gets interesting, and I'd agree with other people the point you become a true hacker. If you understand why WEP WiFi cracking with AirCrack-NG works, opposed to just accepting that it works and going along with it, is where the line between a "hacker" and a "true hacker" is drawn. But that's just an opinion, I'm not the voice of the hacker.

Oops I unleashed other people who started hoping on the fail train and laughing at his utter useless capabilities. People started looking into his profile and laughing at him, going to join a hackers group and then stab at us even though you fail? After roughly six hours he finally came back to respond, and he threw out a "I'm an infamous hacker world renown for my exploits over the past thirty five years under this name, don't mess with me." Ha once again what? You're an infamous hacker for the past thirty five years and technology befuddles you? You're not a hacker, nor have you been in the game for thirty five years, I can tell without even looking into your background you're a fourteen year old jackass who thinks he's cool. I'm not going to let a lie go without replying in a similar fashion. So I told him I was a ninja for the king of Peru. He didn't like that and told me he was going to Dox me, well damn, going to drop entry level hacker skills on me? Going to throw me to the wolves with a skill my grandma can learn? Please don't.
This reply came to me via an email, and I went back to reply and... everyone's posts were deleted that were non-conducive to his ego being inflated. Even the idle threats against me were deleted. Really you're going to throw it on the table and then redact it along with everything that shows you're a moron the second you realize you f'd up?
Don't be that guy everyone. Learning to lie and deceive is a great skill to have, but if you start but spewing incompetence, follow up by making outlandish claims that are partnered by stupidity, and finishing off by making threats and ultimately removing them due to the soil piles left in your underwear. Don't be this guy ever, he put a target on his back pretty quickly, and only highlighted it when he made claims to be a black hat. You never confess to something if its potentially illegal, and when you say you're a member of a hacker organization? You better be able to back up that claim, or that organization will take care of it for you. Don't be a dumbass, learn to deceive wisely, don't be this guy. And as always, be safe my goblins.
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