The previous owner, after getting evicted from the residence, went into a huge rage and decided to start kicking in doors, punching holes in walls, and eventually began to steal copper to melt down for... lets be honest only a couple of bucks. To counteract such annoying behavior, we've already replaced our water heater, and also replaced all of the interior doors inside the house. Not small tasks, but not big tasks either, and I will say I'm quite proud of what we've accomplished up until this point.
Another fun perk of the previous owner was he was a smoker and a bird lover, which resulted in quite a bit of stains and odd dirt piles through the home, and not tiny dirt piles, uncleaned bird cages type dirt... and bird poop. As a result we were stuck with removing every inch of carpet within the house, to be honest... not upset about that, the carpets were disgusting and just a vile atrocity of stains and grossness.

We even had a very fun and quite unique project that I didn't even realize we had coming up, and that was patching the roof. It seems that at some point in time the roof began to rot, and as a precaution... the previous owner just kind of... put tar all over the roof to make it better? And then nailed a board to the underside of the roof?
As a result we actually did pull off some shingles off the roof, got plywood to patch the hole, and some form of roofing membrane to keep moisture out. Since we've done that, this past weekend became a tidal force of epic rain (from the hurricanes off skirts), and I have to say, no leaks. I can't take soul credit for that either, I have to tip the hat to my pops for having the knowledge on how to do such awesome things.

I don't want to say that the tragedy of one man lead to the prosperity of another, but that really seems to be the theme of what drugs like crack do. Probably SHOULDN'T do a whole section on being the drug police, but I felt it was important to share.
Moving Forward
The projects that need completion are as follows.
- Install floor
- paint walls
- Get new HVAC unit
- get appliances
- Fix the bathroom
That's really it. HVAC and appliances are reliant on other parties, so we really have 3 major projects for us to do, and we have help offered to make this all work. The goal is to be in the house by the 31st of october, and we will be. Once we are in place, I'll begin unpacking my computer stuff, and creating my lab. I appreciate everyone's patients with me through this quite hectic time.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, let me know in the comment section below. And as always, be safe my fellow goblins.
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