Power and Budget
Many of those in power want to remain in power, with their hands tied tightly to the purse strings. To a non-technical individual, the idea of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a complex SAN array, server cluster, and top of the line switches doesn't compute as a need. Objects with a shelf life of three to five years with a huge cost need to show value, but due to fear of new technology and a thought of "it wasn't always this way" firmly locked in their minds, letting go of old ways and realizing times have changed is hard. With a show of power and dominance the final purchase power is left in the hands of upper management, leaving IT with a less than desirable work environment.
Time Constraints

User Expectations
Users often times seem to believe that budget, power, and time, are of no concern to IT, as if we host a myriad of skills and powers at our whim. They also seem to view themselves as some form of abstract deity that deserves our pitiful attention at a moments notice. Resulting in a culmination of unrealistic goals and expectations with things such as, wanting a new desktop, speccing out the one they want, not having the budget to accommodate, nor the management agreeing it needs to be done. Or requesting a piece of hardware or software be purchased that costs thousands of dollars, even though they don't know if they will use it, ending up with them being violently aggressive towards the IT staff, and complaining as if they were failed or disrespected.
How It Affects Us
As all of the stress and anxieties overwhelm us, we suffer a great deal over extended periods of time, it shows in our perception, our attitudes, and our personas. Users sometimes believe we are unapproachable, put offish, rude, or cruel, but as a product of their creation it is a little hard to bare that persona. It hurts, it is not fun at all to be the butt of jokes on a daily basis, by letting their words and their actions overwhelm us, we change for the worse more often than needed. Yes the pressure, the stress, and the anxiety are not fun at all, but we should not become the stereotype of an abusive and crude IT staff.
How We Can Change
We are part of a team, there is always a group of people in your corner to act as back up, or assistance. We need to remain as a team, and remain persistent in our actions, our needs, and our desires, no company on the face of the earth willingly changed the way they performed without pressure or persistence from an underlying force. To grow the IT department, to force change, and implicate some form of education will go a long way. We can change a company with our words, and our actions, and not act in a defeatist mentality.
We don't need to buckle or break and letting petty arguments and excuses moderate our mentality and attitude towards a company, and individual, or anything at all is more detrimental than anything. Learn to let things go, and not dwell on tasks and comments of ungrateful individuals, sure they may be a thorn in the paw at times, but is the anxiety induced from them really worth the heartache? Take a moment to relax and side step overbearing stresses.
Overcoming and Relaxing
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"When I get bored, or get stuck on an equation, I like to go ice skating, but it makes you forget your problem. Then you can tackle the problem with a fresh new insight. Einstein liked to play the violin to relax. " Michio Kaku |
Finding a getaway from time to time is not a bad thing, as we all know it is far too easy to succumb to the pressures placed upon us by so many different directions. Find that outlet that is a simple release for you that you can do at work. Something non-obstructive and does not affect the quality of your work. It could be something as simple as grabbing a cup of coffee in the break room, or maybe just getting up to go for a walk around the office.
For me, I do both, I grab a cup of coffee, and go for a little walk to navigate the office in times of trying to figure something out, staring a screen waiting for the moment of clarity solves nothing, just compounds the anxiety and stress. And when the work day is over, do your best to leave all the baggage at work, bringing home un-needed angst and letting it fester in your personal life is a horrible idea. Instead let yourself be you, play those video games that clear your mind, read those books, go to a movie, or like Dr Michio Kaku does, maybe go for a good old fashion Ice Skate.
If you want your work to define you, that is fine, but do your best to not allow the environment be the master of your personality and who you are. We need to do our best to help maintain a company and help it grow, don't let it crumble under its own ego, be persistent in making change and succeeding. At the end of the day, you are the master of your destiny, at the end of the day you are who you say you are, no-one else.
And as always, be safe my fellow goblins, and if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, let us know in the comment section below.
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