Many of us out there love games like Minecraft, or games involving anything zombie oriented, lets be completely honest with ourselves, they are some pretty awesome games. Crafting is awesome, simple graphics with no frills attached are awesome. Sometimes we get into those way to overly developed games that just feel like way too much has gone missing in the games though, don't get me wrong Rust is a fun game, but just feels empty.
This is where Unturned comes in, it doesn't beg to be a hugely graphic juggernaut asking to become the next big thing, its a leisure game, designed to look like Minecraft, a bit brighter, and doesn't bog down your system. There is no story, it doesn't pressure you to play in a way that only the elite of the video game world try to. Its a go at your own pace slowed down zombie survival game with crafting. To make it better you can even host your own servers just like Minecraft, invite some friends.
Bare in mind as it is a illegitimate child of the zombie survival genre with Minecraft graphics, its still is more of a zombie survival game, it has some crafting, it has some construction aspects, but don't expect them to be as cut and dry as they are in games such as Minecraft. Crafting seems to be a bit more complex, I'm still working on the simple skills offered up in this game. Really picture it to be a zombie survival game more than a Minecraft style game. The inventory that you start with also kind of stunts the growth potential until later on in the game, but once you get the hang of it, it does get better.

Lets start with one small complaint, when you start most zombie survival games, you get a set inventory of maybe a can of beans, a lighter, a stick, and a dream. Not so much in Unturned, instead you are... naked. Yes there are random accouterments laying around for your to grab at pretty quickly, but more often than not it's something seemingly useless for a new player. A hand full of batteries, maybe a gun magazine, and a kitchen knife. That last piece is the only one that makes a difference, as for the other two, completely useless until you get a back pack. Your out of the gate inventory consists of only four slots, not too much you can do with just four items beyond poo yourself and run when you hear a hoard of zombies running your way. Luckily for you your naked so your trousers at least don't get soiled in the mix. Come on Unturned just give me a pair of pants to start with.

The controls are responsive as well, when I say stab a zombie in the face with my sword, it stabs, no lag time, no petty waiting, legitimate stabbing action of excitement. In terms of an early access game I was a bit shocked at that, but I'd assume based on the graphics engine it's not to intense as many of the other early access survival games get buggy and jumpy.

Make sure you tread carefully in this game, as the audio isn't surround sound, and the zombies aren't as vocal as they are in other games, when they approach it's a bit more startling and you only notice when your health starts to deteriorate. And in terms of damage, fall damage is serious in this game, no its not an instant kill, but you will break your leg, which is an interesting and horrifying mechanic. You lose the ability to run, you lose the ability to jump, so when that hoard comes barreling your way... you're pretty much out of luck.
My final conclusion is this, the game is fun, its simple, and something you can do just to pass the time. I don't see it being the next big zombie survival game, I don't see it really trying to take on Minecraft, and to be honest for the low low price of FREE (for now), who wouldn't want to pick it up? Not in a Minecraft mood and not in a 7 Days to Die sort of mood? Just want to sit in the between realm? Then this is the game for you. Not a 5 out of 5, but hey for free? Why not?
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