Becoming a professional of any sort isn't an overnight occurrence. You must try, persevere, and be attentive on the goal ahead. Most of the younger generation has this assumption that, by thinking they are something, they deserve something, that isn't true in any situation what so ever. If you think you're a professional, that doesn't make you a professional, certain titles are earned.
As I wade through a couple professional communities, there are multiple occurrences of people stumbling in, acting ridiculous, and trying to gain their reputation through pity and sorrow. Pity and sorrow are not ways of getting respect, they aren't ways of earning a title, they won't make a community bend a knee and offer a hand when thing such as "I'm done here, I'm not professional enough" are slung on walls other professionals read.

Being an amateur doesn't make you bad. Nor should it be a feeling of failure, it is just a stepping stone towards the ever changing end goal. As it is a starting point find study material suitable to the profession you look to secure. In IT for example Pluralsight is an amazing source of educational tools or CAD Training Online for those who want to become professional engineers. Entertaining and utilizing tools required to further your professional development, will lift you out of the title of amateur and bring you into the light of professional.

In summary, if you're looking to become a professional, understand there will be hours of time spent reading, writing, studying, and just all round trying. Maintain a good attitude, and never be condescending to anyone. All those who you look up to, were once you, and you can become them, just stick it out you'll make it.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, let me know in the comment section below. And as always, be safe my goblins.
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