My Grammar, My Excuse

I've had a couple of comments regarding my grammar, and the comments aren't coming back as stupendous.  Thought I'd explain a little more about my writing style, and how I like to write, opposed to the standard cut and dry way.

Most grammatically accurate articles, posts, books, magazines, fit into a common cookie cutter shape of what's considered proper.  Don't use contractions, don't say "I","me","this","thing", so on and so forth.  Readers know what you're talking about if you write it good enough, you don't need to use the dumb words to make people feel good.  It comes off professional, it looks good, commas aren't misplaced.  Punctuation and word choices down pat, and huzzah I'm reading from a well organized presenter.

My problem though, that's too artificial for me.  I prefer the stream of consciousness style of writing, which yes I'm aware isn't the most sought after style, nor deemed worthy of blog posts.

When I write a story, or an article, I want to to be authentic to the way I would say it in a conversation.  My writing style isn't implemented to win me a Bloggie for outstanding word smithery, but more encapsulate into a conversation.  If I ever have the opportunity to meet someone who reads my blog in real life, I want the end of one of my entries to be the beginning of a conversation.

I don't articulate my opinions and views in a grammatically accurate sense, why should my blog equivalent be any different?  To prove a point here, is a useless comma.  Until next time my goblins, be safe.

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