Techno Logical Enlightenment
I've already shared a very vague explanation of what my intentions with the goblin byte name are for, I've shared what I want to do, but not why, when, or how. As a person who believes capitalism is a great idea, I'd like to horde away my idea's before they are available to the world.
Who am I though and why does this blog matter?
By technical definition I would classify myself as a want to be hacker. Not your naughty evil human being that the media has classified what a hacker is. Technically a hacker is a person who is interested in the inner workings of something, and are somewhat obsessive about it. Obsessive to the point where they want to make it more efficient.
Computers are phenomenal, efficiency is important, changing root files in a linux distro, to modifying security settings in a windows product, are all fun things to do. That would mean, by definition... I'm kind of a hacker. I just would rather not wear a hat to define my intentions.
Being at least of the mindset a hacker possesses and not the technical expertise, gives me that desire and a need to poke and prod until I find a flaw and say "I can make this better".
With that all said, its my pleasure to say, my name is Ryan Jones, and by definition, I'm a hacker.
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